About SOTA
SOTA Facts
What does SOTA stand for?
Student Occupational Therapy Association
What is SOTA?
An occupational therapy student organization created to encourage professional development, leadership in the field of OT, and networking/communication opportunities with practitioners, advisors, professors, and other OT students.
Why should I become involved with SOTA?
SOTA is a great way for OTD 1's to bond with the older OTDS and to give back to the profession of OT and the university. It offers students a way to represent and spread awareness of occupational therapy throughout the community. SOTA also provides OTDS access to current issues and problems the field of occupational therapy is facing.
What are the requirements?
Active membership is awarded to those members who stay 'current' with participation in meetings, service events, fundraising, and speaker events. Active members receive certification after each year of involvement.
Summer Active Membership entails:
Attend 1 meeting
Attend 2 service events
Participate in 1 fundraiser
Attend 1 social event
Fall/Spring Active Membership entails (per semester):
Attend 2 meetings
Complete 5 service hours
Participate in 2 fundraisers
Attend 1 speaker events
Attend 2 professional development events
Attend 1 social event
Dues: $30 per year or $10 per semester
Please contact our officers with more questions!
March 1917
OT Founders
OT Roots
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Purpose & Meaning
& hope
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